For the juicer
- 1 fresh beet
- 1 inch slice fresh pineapple
- 1 lime
- handful of watercress
- broccoli stalk
- carrot
- ginger (size to preference)
For the Blender
Raspberries (a handful of frozen)
Small Avocado
Throw the juice into the blender with the raspberries and avocado - you could even add some protein powder if you've been exercising or need it to keep you going longer.
A handful of spinach, broccoli and many other green veg gives an adult their full daily requirement of vitamin K.
Did you know that vitamin K and vitamin D play vital roles in our bone health as they affect the absorption of calcium?
Green veg also contains calcium so there really is no excuse not to eat (or drink) your greens!!!
Celery x 2
Chard (cup)
Spinach (cup)
Cucumber 1/4
1 lime
Pineapple (2 inch slice)
Watercress (handful)
Broccoli stalk
Juice all the above ingredients and then blend with avocado in your nutribullet/blender.
This one is packed full of the anti-oxidants vitamin C, vitamin E and vitamin A. Beta carotene is the pre-cursor to vitamin A and is found in orange/yellow fruit/veg. Vitamin A reduces the risk of acne, supports eye health, strengthens the immune system, reduces the risk of many cancers and increases reproductive health in men and women.
For the juicer For the blender
- carrot - avocado
- sweet potato - tsp of wheat germ oil (vit E)
- red pepper
- big orange
- ginger (1 inch)
- lemon
This one is 100% smoothie - all that fibre contained!!! It has a slightly different nutritional focus with its main constituents being protein and wonderful omega 3's. Omega 3 is ESSENTIAL for good health. The western diet tends to lean more towards omega 6 and if the ratio of these two fats is out (should be 1:2 in omega 3's favour) you could be dealing with chronic inflammation. Omega 3 is also essential for brain health, I try and get omega 3 in my children as much as possible. There is an awful lot of research in the use of omega 3's with children with autism/ADHD.
Handful of fresh, washed strawberries
Cherries (handful of fresh or frozen destoned)
Almond milk
Ground seeds (1tsp of each - sunflower, pumpkin, flax, chia and hemp)
Tbsp hemp protein powder
Tsp extra virgin olive oil
Frozen acai
Soy yoghurt
My Nutty Granola recipe
Just whisk up the blueberries, acai and pineapple in the Nutribullet and serve with granola and a spoonful of yoghurt. Vanilla soy is my preference but choose your own. Live yoghurts are a great choice because of the beneficial bacteria in them - be careful of sugar content though!!
A dessertspoon each of pumpkin, sesame, sunflower and flaxseed
A handful of washed strawberries (strawberries are one of the worst culprits for pesticides so buy organic or wash thoroughly)
A ripe banana
Cashew milk
1 tbsp of protein powder (I like hemp)
Bung it all in a blender and Bobs your uncle!! Tasty, filling and vital post workout when the muscles have been depleted. Without remodelling muscle breakdown with protein you will tire easily and your exercise regime may leave you lethargic.
My favourite way to start the day is with a green juice. They are full of antioxidants, low in fat, rich in folic acid, vitamin C, potassium and magnesium, as well as containing a host of phytochemicals, such as lutein, beta-cryptoxanthin, zeaxanthin, and beta-carotene. The juice master has inspired me on my juicing journey and the medicinal power of juice continues to astound me. Nature has supplied us with a nutritional bounty capable of changing our health and well-being drastically. Just be sure to be mindful of potential toxicity caused by pesticides: wash things carefully or even better GO ORGANIC!!!!
1-2 organic broccoli stems (FULL of vitamins C,B1 and A)
A handful of fresh parsley (great for the digestive system)
1 stick of celery (a great source of vitamin K)
Half a pineapple (B vitamins, vit C and manganese)
2 limes ( I always add lots of lime as its my favourite flavour - find yours!!!)
Fennel bulb (vitamin C and host of essential minerals)
An avocado (a good source of essential fatty acids and vitamins)
Juice all of the above except the avocado. Pour the juice into a blender and add the avocado and some ice - blend until smooth and drink straight away for maximum nutritional benefit.